Viewing my emotions in the context of God's Truth

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Teresa French
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Viewing my emotions in the context of God's Truth

Post by Teresa French » Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:06 pm

thank you for your feedback to me via the strike I was issued with.

I don't understand what you meant in the following portion, would you elaborate on this please? (The first part about viewing my emotions in the context of God's Truth.)
Mary wrote: You are also still quite resistive to viewing your emotions in the context of God's Truth and unless you grow a desire to receive God's Truth about yourself and to live in harmony with God's Laws you will find that any emotional work that you do will become circular or limited as you will not be challenging the false beliefs that drive your unhappiness.
thank you

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Re: Viewing my emotions in the context of God's Truth

Post by Mary » Fri Sep 11, 2015 1:24 pm

Hi Teresa,

Rather than explaining my feedback further I am going to request that you first take time to reflect and ponder on the meaning for yourself. I have just given you a large amount of information about your unloving behaviour and you now feel entitled to a further response from me about the matter without you having to do any personal thinking or contemplation.

You do have an expectation that others should come to your rescue and that they assist you whenever you feel you need it. You have this sense of entitlement in all areas of your life and you have just acted in this addiction with me now.

Jesus discussed this injury with you in detail at a previous seminar as it relates to your personal finances and attitude that your family should bail you out of any financial difficulty you have. He pointed out the sense of entitlement that you have and how there is a lack of ethics and morality in you when it comes to the way you approach problems and difficulties in your life.

In this current situation you haven't taken any personal time to reflect on what I have said to you and have instead asked me to 'do your thinking for you'. You have been given feedback on one addiction and instead of taking pause to feel about what has been shared with you, you have jumped immediately into another addiction. This addiction, which is highlighted in your response to me, effects many areas of your life. You are addicted to having others help you, you continually want to believe and tell yourself that you are innocent of culpability and/or full responsibility for your own actions, you are not self reflective and feel entitled to have others assist you and you do not consider your demands to be unreasonable.

There is a lot of anger underlying your sense of entitlement. You feel that others should take time and care for you, even after you have disregarded their previous gifts or have been unloving towards them.

Jesus and I have spent a lot of time with you in previous years attempting to assist you to see and work through your addictions. However as this post, and our other interactions with you indicate, you have not taken time to deal with the feedback that has already been given to you. You are happy to continue 'taking' without valuing the gifts you are given. This is obvious not only in the way that you approached the feedback I shared with you, but in many other areas of your personal life.

This issue of entitlement is having a large impact on your ability to connect with God since, at the moment, you do not view love as a gift but rather something you 'should' be given.

I am issuing you with another amber strike in response to your continued breach of the terms of use, that is:
"Not taking personal responsibility for your own emotions and growth by repeatedly trying to involve others in your own processing work"
It is up to you what you do in response to this additional strike but my suggestion would be to take some time to reflect on what has been pointed out before responding in another addiction. A third amber strike will be issued if you continue to act in your addictions.

Best wishes,

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Re: Viewing my emotions in the context of God's Truth

Post by Eva » Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:08 am

Thank you Mary and Teresa for highlighting these issues also for me!
Thank you Mary, your reply went straight into me, as I am acting out the same unloving behavior as you point out here.

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