Law of Cause of Effect: Pain

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Law of Cause of Effect: Pain

Post by lindabest » Wed Apr 27, 2016 3:07 am

Before I had all of this physical pain, I had a lot of emotional pain. I want to share a personal experience that was the beginning of my physical pain. In 2001 I kept leaving my husband. Finally, I said to God: What's going on? I'm not getting out of the closet until you give me an answer." I had a prayer book: "The hour that changed the world." It was prayer on 12 five minute topics. I prayed in my closet for an hour a day. On the 3rd day", Light removed a dark veil covering my face. The words came to me: "You have been found in the balances and found lacking." I was shown my sins through the 10 commandments: "I said "Lord! I have broken every one." I was answered: "You can keep on doing as you have been". I replied: Now that I know, I'd rather die". I was answered: "You would rather die?" I replied. "Yes!" I was told the Bible is true. I had never believed the Bible was true. A lot of it just didn't make sense.
This experience was the first time I saw myself as God sees me. For the first time God showed me my sins. I had no idea I was in such condition. All of my sins came up before me, and I confessed to God. I felt horrrible. I quit arguing with the Bible, and just read it, and belieaved it for about 10 years. I studied the roots of the Old and New Testaments. Since it had been the 10 commandments that had been shown to me, I tried to make the 7th Day "holy" by not working. I went to a Messianic synagogue; then attended an Orthodox Jewish synagogue, because the Jews had written the O.T. By 2012 I couldn't go any further with the Bible. In 1983 my husband introduced me to the Urantia Book; so I ordered one. It was very intellectual, but at least it offered an explanation about the Trinity. Then I found Divine Truth. My pain has been intensifying greatly. Truth states that pain and suffering is because of The Laws of Compensation and Repentance. The effect, pain, is because of the cause: sins. The more pain, the more I'm repenting. I go to the cause: "Why did I commit this sin, or that one." I never want to sin, ever again. Linda

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Re: Law of Cause of Effect: Pain

Post by lindabest » Thu Apr 28, 2016 1:57 am

Today I was watching the video on faith, Feb. 23, 2016, and Jesus talked about spiritual pain. What I have called physical pain is actually spiritual pain. I called it physical pain because it was pain in my physical body. Sometimes, my head, or my kidney area. I have a chronic problem with constipation, that for the last 2 days has unblocked. Sometimes my arms are numb. My heart feels pressured, as if it is concaving. All kinds of body pain. Sometimes I can't think at all. After a time, I move through that. Luckily, I live by myself. My son in Pa, called and wanted to know why I haven't answered his e-mail. I told him that I've been in so much pain. Explaining to my loved ones can be difficult. Also, I've suffered mental pain,
as well as joy, happiness and a lot of love. To maintain and grow in my relationship with God through God's Love and Truth, is well worth all the pain. I certainly don't want to discourage anyone. Linda

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Re: Law of Cause of Effect: Pain

Post by Nicky » Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:00 pm

Hi Linda

I'd like to make a comment on this part of your post:
Truth states that pain and suffering is because of The Laws of Compensation and Repentance. The effect, pain, is because of the cause: sins. The more pain, the more I'm repenting. I go to the cause: "Why did I commit this sin, or that one." I never want to sin, ever again. Linda
From my personal experience, I have a different view and understanding of all 3 of these laws. I feel that sins are almost effects in themselves which result in pain due to a causal emotion that we absorbed at a young age and choosing to avoid this as we get older. Engaging in addictions are SIN'S from God's perspective and result in pain & suffering over time. Addictions are not a cause in themselves but are a result of something deeper within us. Technically speaking yes, a causal emotion is sinful in nature as it is out of harmony with love & truth but the effects of these emotions lead us to sin further and that results in physical, spiritual and/or emotional pain unless we choose otherwise.

I have found that when I engage in the Law of Repentance due to harming myself, others or the environment, the cause of my previous sinful actions are removed from my soul by God due to understanding/feeling through where the cause of the sinful behaviour came from. The Law of Compensation then has no emotion out of harmony with love and truth to work on within my soul in that area thus I cannot feel the same pain anymore. God's Divine Love removes that emotion (cause) which the Law of Compensation was previously acting on. The Law of Repentance is such an awesome law.

As this is what I have found occurs when I engage in the Law of Repentance, I disagree with your statement that pain and suffering is due to the Law of Repentance, or even due to the Law of Compensation for that matter.

The pain and later suffering we may feel is directly due to the choices we made with our own will to hold onto these emotions and deliberately engage in sinful actions. The Law of Compensation is there to help us come to this understanding over a period of time if we are being very stubborn or blind to seeing this, therefore it is inaccurate to say that pain and suffering is because of these laws. If all of God's laws are loving, then how can God's laws result in pain & suffering? The answer must be because of a choice we are making within ourselves that is out of harmony with these laws.

I feel as though The Law of Repentance is like a "bonus" law that God has created in all of his goodness whereby we are not forced to engage in the law, but have been given a choice to do so and when we do, the law supersedes the effects of the Law of Compensation acting on our soul and therefore have been "redeemed" in that one area much quicker than we would have if we did not engage in the Law. Also, this law comes with an amazing benefit in that we can receive God's Love in this space.

But interestingly, why is it that we have to wait until our pain gets so bad and maybe turns into suffering that then we decide to surrender to our emotions? Why be motivated by our pain threshold rather than by love itself? There must be emotional reasons within us that cause us to do this too.


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Re: Law of Cause of Effect: Pain

Post by lindabest » Thu May 12, 2016 12:11 am

Thanks Nicky for the feedback. By the time compensation brought me to an awakening of my sins, I was 50 years old. In 2001 I repented deeply, sorrowfully. I sinned no more. I've been paying the penalty for past sins, with God helping me. In all my searching for truth, I did not find it until a year ago. This truth intensifies the pain, as well as the horror of sin. I have needed truth. The pain will end as it opens all the emotions in my soul.

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Re: Law of Cause of Effect: Pain

Post by Nicky » Thu May 12, 2016 5:49 pm

Hi Linda

At this moment in time, you are quite fixed in your current belief systems and thus are not seeking or being open to hearing other things.

Because of this, you are in breach of a number of the sections of the terms of use document, not just in this thread but in other posts you have created on the forum so far - from a place of addiction.

As a result, I am issuing you with a board warning.


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