The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

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The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

Post by Eloisa » Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:20 am

I Love this Padgett Message (I realise it could have gone under Padgett Messages, Prayer and Love, I didn't know exactly which category to use, so I put it in love...)

A message from Solomon, received by James Padgett, 20th April, 1916

What is the greatest thing in all the world?

Prayer and faith on the part of mortals; and Love – the Divine Love – on the part of God. The latter is waiting, and the former causes it to enter into the souls of men.

No other truths are so great and momentous to men.

Let what I say sink deep into your memory, and try the experiment. I know you do try, but try and then try and never cease trying. Love will come to you and with It faith, and then knowledge and then ownership.

I could write for a long time, yet, but I must not as you are tired.

So with my love and blessings, I will say good-night, and may the Father’s Love take possession of you.

Your brother in Christ,



Link to the Message on the Divine Truth site: ... 60420A.htm

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Re: The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

Post by Lena » Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:34 pm

Hi Eloisa,

Not sure if you knew, Jesus and Mary have done a discussion about this message, which I am so grateful for, where they had so much to say about the importance of the information within this short message, it can be viewed in 2 parts here:

This message and the advise in it is still has the original impact on me as I first heard it, and I do forget to invite God into my heart at my happy times or low times, and when I do pray I want to give up and I stop trying. I am not accepting God into my heart. I am starting to work on the reasons why I want to control my heart, keep it shut, keep God and people distant from it and I don't allow much love in or out.
So I can see that praying for love along with dealing with the reasons is the most powerful thing I can be doing right now.
The funny thing is I don't allow love in from God who loves me or from people who love me. That's strange. Jesus and Mary often (just the other day) remind me about that there must be reasons why I can not feel God yet, I can not feel love from my partner. My will is used to keep my heart shut. I am afraid and I am not willing to feel the old pain.
I thought I'll share for people who may be also praying sincerely and not connecting to God it could be that their will is used too to shut off love. And it pays to investigate what the reasons are, what happened to their heart.
Of course as Jesus and Mary explain, there are many more reasons why we could be not recieving God's love. Seminar talks on prayer are so helpful.

Jesus and Mary say that when we are less enjuried or was it only when we are at-one-with God :? , that we than will be able to pray pretty much all the time and will receive God's love every time we pray.
So for me to get to that place, I have a lot of work to do, and I still need to develop a much stronger will to want God.

Thanks Eloisa for posting this, and Jesus and Mary for discussing it and explaining the full meaning.

P.s. I am thinking it may be best to still go to Padgett Msg section...

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Re: The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

Post by Amanda Stracey » Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:19 pm

Hi Lena and Eloisa

There is a little phrase in the Bible that I like to mull over when thinking about letting love in - "Behold I have put before you an open door......" that helps me remember God is not the problem.

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Re: The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

Post by Elvira » Wed Nov 18, 2015 11:36 pm

Hi Eloisa,
thanks for posting on this message.
thank-you for your comments I can really relate. I have had a few experiences where I think I was maybe asking for God's love sincerely and it felt kind of like a lightness entered the space around me, but I kept my heart closed. I thought I was imagining things, but maybe as you say I was using my will to shut out the love. Jesus told me a couple of years ago I need to open my heart to my husband, I'm really still trying to work out what that means, I also don't let love in or out. I have glimpses and my fear takes over. Thank you for the suggestions.

Really good imagery Amanda
All my best Elvira

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Re: The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

Post by Eloisa » Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:20 am

Sorry the above link was incorrect. Here is a link that actually works to Solomon's message on the Divine Truth Website: ... 60420A.htm

Also I am happy for this thread to be moved if it fits better under Padgett Messages.


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Re: The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

Post by Nicky » Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:26 am

Hi everyone

Just a note to say that I have amended the original post by Eloisa so that now, the link to the Padgett Message should be working correctly. I have also moved the thread to the PADGETT MESSAGES section of the forum.

As a secondary comment, this is my most favourite Padgett message of them all. So simply and beautifully conveyed into words by Solomon. A great reminder of how straight forward and perfect "The Way" actually is which serves as a reminder that it's our own resistances, lack of humility and mind dominance that gets us out of harmony with the process.


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Re: The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

Post by Amanda Stracey » Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:10 pm

I just wanted to add some thoughts and questions about wanting to pray. I started from a place of believing that prayer was something formal like we did in Church- I suppose a communal activity not part of a personal relationship. I rarely attempted prayer even outside of church when I was on my own. Finding out about Divine Truth teachings didn't really change that. I interpreted them as HAVING to process emotions in order for God to love me. So there's been little real prayer and lots of forcing. Having looked mainly at my issues with men there feels like a bit more softness in that area - more a feeling of relief that God is a man and thank God God isn't a woman. But there still isn't much desire in me to pray - more feelings of that is a waste of time/ that is never going to happen for me or to me why should I bother. The idea of God having female qualities seems laughable to me.

I just wondered if anyone has any insight or advice?

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Re: The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomonual

Post by LauraR » Sat Nov 21, 2015 2:33 am

Hello Amanda,
I love the Padgett Messages as well and particularly the message from Solomon - he is very succinct. I like that.
I wanted to respond to your feelings of God having female qualities as laughable. I have a difficult time thinking of God as female as well. But my feelings are more angry - when I first heard people referring to God as a female it was like nails on a chalkboard. Just NO WAY! I know this has to do with my church background and my mother because of the way I was treated (and also other angry women). I don't cringe quite as much now when someone refers to God as she - but it is still there. There are a few things I do to help. Firstly I am feeling Mary's love as best I can. I believe she is the most loving female I know (even if I haven't met her in person). She doesn't quite have a motherly love, but a sisterly love and that helps for me. I did dismiss Mary when I first started listening to Divine Truth. (If you read this Mary, I am very sorry). But now I can feel her openness and honesty and I look forward to her blogs and heartfelt emotions. I used to think of Divine Truth as just Jesus - now I also want to hear what Mary has to say. So that is progress :)
Also to get out anger against God - I have to think of Her as a female - I have a lot to feel on that still. (I'm also aware of my error about God's masculine qualities.)
I have also thought that I am female - am I not equal to the male? And yet if I cannot accept female qualities in God where does that leave me? For me, the biggest issue is defining what are true female qualities (or masculIne qualities for the matter). I have seen and experienced females behaving in unloving and hurtful ways and said those are female qualities and assigned them to all females. Instead of saying those are unloving qualities that a female has exhibited.
I re-listened to a video yesterday for probably the third time at least - where Jesus and Mary are discussing our emotional selves and Jesus starts by saying - that most of what we think or believe at this point in time is error. So our beliefs about God are in error so I am praying and asking for the truth about God and also my willingness to accept them.

I hope this helps a bit.

Love to you,


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Re: The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

Post by julie_bennion » Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:08 pm

Hello Amanda,
The feelings you acknowledged here, about God having feminine qualities seeming laughable, struck my heart as I read the words. Sitting with this feeling, I have been ruminating about my experience in opening to feeling God's Love, while expressing emotions (deep grief especially). What I've been surprised to find, is the natural outcry for Mommy (usually more than the cry for Daddy) when I'm in that space. I don't feel I want my earth mom since I don't feel she can offer what I long for, but in my soul, when I'm soft to the emotions, I can feel that I Do want to feel a mother's love. So I've been really grateful to feel this truth so readily. Maybe that's some of why I feel sad to hear this is not true for you; And instead, you expressed feeling some pretty strong opposition to God in her feminine aspect & qualities.

Since learning of God's actual being from J&M, I feel my heart opens to prayer ~ with love & thanks to God, mostly without words ~ whenever I feel soft, whenever I hear rain, wind, birds & frogs (it's finally raining a bunch in California, so the frogs are back :D ). Lovely music, including lullabies... Observing seeds as they germinate (sprouting them makes it possible to see this wonder more often, so I am triple enjoying my sprouts!!), soft colors, fall light, the curve of hills & mountains, the lapping of water as it flows in the creek out back... For me, these are some easy-to-access elements of life on earth that remind me of God's infinite qualities, all of which are feminine & masculine, by nature.

There's a song I have known for many years that came to mind, just when I was ruminating on God in her feminine aspect, so I went to find it on youtube, found and watched, and cried as I felt the images in the video, accompanying the song, Returning...To The Mother Of Us All, by Jennifer Berezan ~

I hope some of that's helpful, Amanda. I'm so glad we're both here, learning from each other on the Hub, hopefully more intent than ever before!, on working through "our stuff" ;)

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Re: The Greatest Gift in All the World - Solomon

Post by Bex » Fri May 27, 2016 11:30 am

love this ... "try and try and then never cease trying!" thanks for posting Eloisa!

It helps me to remember that all the celestial spirits including Jesus and Mary had to/have to "try and try and never cease trying!" It feels like a lack of self responsibility is endemic in our society - myself very very much included - even to the point where we dont want the responsibility of trying not knowing what is on the other end..... lack of faith and responsibility seem to be very intertwined in my experience with myself! the more I address self responsibility the more I feel the desire to have faith.... anyway more thoughts from such a beautiful padgett message!

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