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Divine Truth Hub Forum Board (NOW CLOSED) • Through the Mists Audiobook - Page 2
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Re: Through the Mists Audiobook

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:48 pm
by Patricia Sanders
Thank you Liz! I'm enjoying it and it feels like a huge honor to speak the words. It can be very moving to read it aloud and then sometimes I have to back up and rerecord it. It seems like I connect with something I'm reading much more when I read it aloud ... maybe because I slow down. I recommend it as a thing for other people to try - just reading aloud anything that you would like to engage with more deeply.

Re: Through the Mists Audiobook

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:26 pm
by LizziM
Sounds great, Patricia! So glad to hear you are enjoying it, and I really look forward to hearing the recordings!